Verbs with a preposition in Spanish related to love. Hispania, escuela de español

Verb to fall in love and other verbs with a preposition in Spanish related to love

Happy Valentines Day! 😍

Today is most romantic day of the year and that is why we bring you a very special article.

Let's see the verb fall in love and other verbs with preposition in Spanish related to love.

You will understand how each verb has its peculiarities and different uses, not only in the subject of love.

Also, if you wait until the end, you will be able to practice these Verbs with prepositions in Spanish with exercises.

Are you ready for him? amorousness?



Difference between want and love


"To want" and "to love" are probably the most used verbs in spanish to express love. But they are not exactly the same. 

Next, we will see the difference between loving and wanting.

⚠ ️Warning: unlike the rest of the verbs that you are going to learn, want and love They are not reflexive nor do they have a preposition.


What is the difference between wanting and loving?


The verb want is used to express the desire to do, get, or achieve something. 

  • For example: "I want to take a trip to Australia."

In the field of love, it is also used to express our affection and love A person. 

  • For example: "She loves her boyfriend."

It not only has romantic connotations, it is also used with family or friends. 

  • For example: "I love my family a lot".

Love is the verb of the noun love. Therefore it is feel love by someone or something.

It could be said that the feeling of loving is purer than that of wanting, since here there is no desire to do or get, but simply an unconditional feeling of love.

We can use this verb with people.

  • For example: "Joseph loves his wife."

And also with actions, places, things, animals... In these cases the verb to love would be similar to the verb love.

  • For example: "I love this town". 

do you understand now difference between loving and wanting? Brilliant!

We continue. 😉


fall in love with someone Hispania, escuela de español


fall in love with someone


We open our list of verbs with prepositions in spanish related to love. 

The first is "to fall in love with». 

We use this verb to express the falling in love process what happens to a person

  • For example: «My co-worker is very pretty and attentive. Also, we have many things in common. Every day I fall in love with she more".

When expressing a process, we can use the verb periphrasis «estar + gerundio».

  • For example: "Lucia says that is falling in love with Julian little by little.

If you don't know what are verbal periphrasis, we have a very comprehensive article on it. They are very useful to speak well in Spanish. ????

Y how to conjugate el verb to fall in love? Is a reflexive verbTherefore, you have to be careful with the personal pronoun.

En present it would be like this:

Person/Subject Personal pronoun Verb



I fall in love



fall in love



fall in love



we fell in love



you fall in love



fall in love

In the indicative and subjunctive tenses the pronoun position always goes before the verb

Let's see it, for example, in pretérito indefinido:

Person/Subject Personal pronoun Verb



i fell in love



you fell in love



fell in love



we fell in love



you fell in love



they fell in love

You see it? The position of the pronoun is exactly the same.

Now that you know how the the verb fall in love and its meaning, We ask you one thing: try to memorize the preposition well that accompanies it, "of."

Many foreigners say "fall in love with" or "fall in love with", and that is a mistake. 

We know that it is difficult to remember the correct preposition that goes with each verb. 

There is only one way to do it right: study and practice mucho. 😁


What is it to be in love with someone?


You know what it's like to fall in love with someone. AND Being in love with someone? Is the same? 

They are very similar, although not exactly the same.

We have seen that fall in love with the person is a action that has a process. Sometimes that process will be fast and other times it will be slow, but the process is always there.

However, "Being in love with someone" is a adjective, not an action. 

Being in love is considered as a state of feeling . That is why it is used estar.

  • For example: «I have been very much in love with Lola since the day I met her».

In Spanish, the participles They can have the function of adjectives. "In love" is one of them. 

Other examples of participles as adjectives They would be: being tired, being bored, being angry, being asleep, being excited... and many more.

Now that you know many things about him verb to fall in love, we will continue advancing with other verbs. 👉


Get involved with someone


Get involved with someone It is a more informal verb. When it comes to love, it can have two meanings.


What does it mean to hook up with someone


On the one hand, getting involved with someone is kiss someone on the lips 😚

  • For example: «Rebeca got involved yesterday with Gerardo at the disco. How strong!".

On the other hand, it is also used when a person has sexual relations with another, but without committing to a serious relationship.

Did you know that if we remove "someone" and put "something" in its place, the verb to get involved changes completely?

In this situation it means get confused.

  • For example: "I always mess with date of your birthday and that of your brother. Tell me again, please."


Hook up with someone 


Now that you know what what is dating someone, you will have no trouble understanding the meaning of hook up with someone.

It is practically the same.


What does it mean to hook up with someone


Hooking up with someone is also kiss someone else or have loving relationships without being boyfriends. 

However, if we remove the part of "with someone" the verb roll up has other senses away from love 

It is used when a person talks a lot and can even be heavy.

  • For example: «When Marcos talks about his trips he gets too wrapped up. He bores me ».


marry someone Hispania, escuela de español


marry someone


What comes after a beautiful love story?

Well, if it's lasting and seems like it's going to be forever, the next step for many people is to get married.

marry someone expresses the moment of wedding with partner.

  • For example: "I will marry my boyfriend next year."

As with falling in love, we can also say "to be married to someone» but in this case it is an adjective of civil status.

  • For example: "I am married and have children."


separate from someone


Unfortunately, many times after a happy time with your partner, love ends and the moment of separation arrives. 😢

We use separate from someone when a love relationship ends and those two people are disconnected in that sense. 

  • For example: «I have separated from Marta. Our relationship has ended and now we no longer live together.

But it is not the end of the world! We can still be friends, right?


hang on someone


Literally, hang on someone it is to take a person and not let go, carrying all the weight of your body.

This is usually done by some children with their parents, hanging from their arms or legs.

Furthermore, this verb has another meaning related to love.

It means fall madly in love with someone to an extent that can be detrimental to your mental health because you are dependent on her.

  • For example: "Jorge was so hung up on Tania that when they separated, he went into a deep depression."

Of course, this is not good for anyone, so be very careful and don't get hung up on anyone!

The adjective is also used colloquially be hung as a synonym for be crazy or to express that a person she's high.


Think of someone


Think of someone It's simple, isn't it?

It simply indicates that our thoughts are on a person

You can think of anyone: your girlfriend, your friend, your parents, your attractive Spanish teacher... 😏

If we love someone very much, it is normal for us to think about that person often.

  • For example: "I love my girlfriend, I think of her every day."

We can also think about something.

  • For example: "I think a lot about my future job."


What does it mean when you can't stop thinking about someone?


Now yeah you constantly think of a person and you can't get it out of your head... Houston, we have a problem. 

Means that that person occupies the center of your life and all your energy is focused on it. 

This can cause problems in your well-being and many disappointments when your expectations are not met. 

Do you remember the meaning of hanging on someone? Well, we have reached this point. This is no longer love, but obsession.


stop thinking about someone


we present you another verbal periphrase:


It serves to express the end of a habit.

Therefore, if we stop thinking about someone, it means that we no longer think about that person.

Sometimes we fall so in love with someone that it is normal to have that person in the center of our mind… for a while. 

Here are some tips if you want stop thinking about someone:

  • Dedicate yourself to your hobbies.
  • Take care of your family.
  • Meet your friends.
  • Do sports.
  • learn spanish in Hispania, escuela de español. 😁

And, above all, work hard emotional intelligence. 🧠💓


Dream about someone. Hispania, escuela de español


Dream about someone


Dream about someone is another verbs with prepositions in spanish which can have more than one meaning. 

The most general meaning is think of a person while we are sleeping, that is, in dreams.

  • For example: "Yesterday I dreamed about my friends, we were going skiing together."

As you can see, there doesn't have to be a love connotation here.

Now let's see how use dream of someone for talk about love.


What does it mean to dream of someone


In the love sense, dreaming of someone is used when we yearn very intensely to be with a person, but it cannot be at the moment or the love is unrequited.

In fact, it is often saiddream of being with someone».

  • For example: "I dream of being with Aurora, but she wants another man."


Contact someone


Contact someone is one of prepositional verbs more used in social relations in general.

It is used when we achieve communicate with another person withianyou any means: face to face, by phone, by mail, by chat…

¿How to contact someone what do you like? Today there are many means, thanks to social networks you can contact that person you like so much.

But if he doesn't respond, let him be and don't be pushy. Live and let live.

We can also contact institutions: contact the hospital, contact the university, contact the police, etc.


Say goodbye to someone


It's sad when a person we love goes to another city and we won't see them for a long time.

Nobody likes goodbyes say goodbye to the people we appreciate it's always painful.


How to say goodbye to someone who ignores you


And what happens if someone you like begins to notice that they no longer pay attention to you? 

It can be frustrating to see that someone who once had an interest in you has stopped.

We believe that, in this situation, it is not necessary to say goodbye.

It's better to just let it be and give that person time. Maybe she doesn't talk to you because she is too busy with other things.

Or yes, it may be that she no longer feels attracted to you, what are we going to do to her!? We are adults and we have to assume that these things happen.

Respect their decision and take it in the noblest way possible, without emotional blackmail or anger.

So no drama or creating awkward situations! 

To something else. 😉


Count on someone Hispania, escuela de español


count on someone


We all like to feel that we can have someone in our worst moments.

It means we have people on our side who they will support and help us always, because they love us.

  • For example: "If you need something, you know you can count on me for whatever you want."

Counting on someone is also used to know who's up for a plan.

  • For example: "Alberto, are you coming to the party tonight, are we counting on you?"


Table of verbs with prepositions


We have finished the list of verbs with a preposition related to love

In total we have seen 11Remember that wanting and loving do not have a preposition.

Now we are going to classify them into a table according to the preposition

This will help you to better memorize which preposition goes with each one.

DE with EN

to fall in love with


think about

separate from 

hook up with 

hang on

hook up with 

say goodbye to

dream with 


count on

In this article we have worked on these verbs with people.

Although remember that some can also go with some»: hang on, say goodbye to, think about…

For example:

  • "Always in the subway I hang from the bar so as not to fall."
  • «Next month I have to move. It will be difficult say goodbye to my current house».
  • "Today I thought about that kitty what we saw in the park How beautiful it was! Shall we adopt it?"

It has been very interesting to learn this vocabulary from verbs related to love, right? 

Surely you knew some of them and others you knew, but without really understanding how they were used.

We hope that now you have them clearer. after this explanation of verbs with prepositions in spanish, We will practice them with exercises.


activities to practice


We propose you 2 verb exercises with prepositions in spanish related to love.


Activity 1


You must drag the verb more suitable for the space. Look at the conjugations and the tense to get it right.

Activity 2


Now you must write the correct preposition for each verb.

How did the activities go? That sure is cool!

The verb to fall in love and the other 10 verbs with a preposition seen in the article are just a few examples. 

There are many more. Do you want to know the most important? 

En Hispania, escuela de español we face-to-face Spanish courses y online in which we dedicate entire classes to learning verbs with prepositions.

Of the verbs worked on in the article, which ones do you like the most?

Do you prefer to say "I love you" or "I love you"?

Are there any verbs with a preposition that we have talked about that you find difficult to use?

Tell me all your doubts and we'll talk! .


Article written by Carlos Martínez for Hispania, escuela de español. 

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