News November 2020 Hispania Spanish school

News Hispania, escuela de español | November 2020

En Hispania, escuela de español We bid farewell to the month of November with a selection of the most relevant news related to learning Spanish at our school. We will tell you everything below! 😉

Tour through the historic center of Valencia

We enjoy the wonderful Valencia sun

Although we are in the middle of autumn, the sun shines in Valencia practically every day. In fact, Valencia has more than 300 days of sunshine a year! Our studianThey continue to enjoy natural light and sunny days while discovering the city and making the most of their stay in Valencia. We love seeing you enjoy our beloved city!

Hispania Community News November 2020

Hispania, escuela de español commitment to social responsibility and conscience: see you in the Hispania Community!

Since mid-November, following the ordinances of the Valenc Community authoritiesianto Hispania, escuela de español We offer all our group classes online. Our studianyou are enjoying to the fullest the Hispania Community and they have the option to continue learning Spanish while enjoying all that Valencia has to offer! We are very proud of our studiesiantes and we are very grateful for your attitude.

We also discover Valencia through Instagram

The cultural program of Hispania, escuela de español It is one of the services of the school that has the best reception. To our studiosianYou love to enjoy Valencia and Spanish culture! During these weeks, we have reinforced the outdoor cultural offer and all activities are carried out taking into account security measures. In addition, every Sunday, we offer the possibility of discovering Valencia and Spanish culture also through Instagram. Don't miss our publications and keep discovering Valencia and learning about Spanish culture!

Salmorejo Class Spanish Digital Week

We participate in the Digital Spanish Week

From November 23 to 27, the Digital Spanish Week was held, organized by FEDELE, the Spanish Federation of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language, in which a series of sessions, debates and workshops on ELE were held at an international level. Victoria Sanahuja, Director of Hispania, escuela de español, participated in the congress as president of FEDELE Comunidad Valenciana, in which he analyzed the role of schools in Spanish within the current social panorama and highlighted the importance of learning Spanish in an environment like the Valenc Communityianto. In addition, part of the team of teachers of Hispania, escuela de español participated in the event with a super special class under the name of Direct Salmorejo. It was a really fun class!

For all these reasons, we want to take this opportunity to congratulate FEDELE on the success and reception that this digital event has had and, of course, thank them for all the work they are doing for our sector.

We are very happy to have been able to share these and many other moments with our students.iantes, agents and collaborators during the month of November. Thank you all very much for your trust!ianza in Hispania, escuela de español! See you on the December news selection! See you soon!

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